Enter Super Max Snack
We put together a program that allows you to get a pick-me-up for yourself or send some cheer to someone else in our delivery area, free of charge, and delivered instantly. Our new SuperMaxSnack program allows anyone, whether they are a MaxDelivery customer or not, to send us their current location and we will rush over to them a snack, free of charge. (The wireless carriers insist that I say here that "standard data and message rates from your carrier may apply")
Everyone I've told about the program asks me 2 questions:
- "So, you are going to take my information and spam me, right?"
- "What's the catch?"
- We will only use the info provided to send you a snack - we just need enough information to find you and deliver the snack and, after we are done: we will not mail you, sms you, email you, or send a search party out after you. About the only marketing you will get from this program will be a postcard included with the snack encouraging you to pass the word along.
- There really is no catch. We wanted to come up with a way to spread a little good cheer and, at the same time, show off our whiz-bang service. We don't make any money off this. We figured that we could give a small snack during some of our slower parts of the day and spread some good will. That's all there is to it.
How does it work
We tried to make it as simple as we could.
Between the hours of 12PM and 5PM, from your cell phone, send an SMS message to our shortcode (32075) in the format:
SNACK your name, your address, zip code, any notes you want to send us
For example:
SNACK Max D., 51 White St Ground, 10013, call me on arrival
That's it. We'll send a confirmation that we received it and another when we send it out to be delivered, giving you an estimated time. After that, just sit back and enjoy the free stuff...and please pass it along.
There are some limitations, unfortunately, like a strict limit of 1/person and others. You can find the full details at our web site.
Try it out - there literally is no risk involved. You can send it to yourself or to a friend (if sending to a friend, please make sure they are available at the address you specify at that time). And, let us know what you think by posting to your/our facebook page, commenting here, or sending us an email
Let's spread some cheer!! Enjoy.
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